20s Ministry
Tuesdays | 7:00 p.m.
20s Ministry
Tuesdays | 7:00 p.m.

20s Ministry

Groups & Gatherings for Young Adults 

Tuesdays | 7:00 p.m. | Butterfield

Christ Church's 20s Ministry is a space to gather with other Christ-centered people in the same stage of life. We are committed to being a hospitable community which pursues spiritual development, practices service, and meets in fellowship. Join us on Tuesday evenings for our Bible study, on alternate Thursdays for monthly meals and activities, or for our bi-yearly retreats! 

Tuesday Meetings

Through March, April, and May, we will be inviting different guest speakers and pastors to join us in discussing the intersection of faith and our lives. We will cover the intersection of faith and vocation, faith and friendship, faith and relationship, faith and service, and more.

Join the GroupMe for more information!

Leaders: Sam Tracy and Jordan Heinzel-Nelson

CONTACT US: Want to connect with someone in our group to discuss the best fit for you? Shoot us an email: 20s@ChristChurch.us

Do you want to dig deeper into your faith while building amazing relationships with other people in their 20s? Then sign up for one of our 20s groups that currently meet in host homes throughout the suburbs. 

To join or lead a group, head here for more information.